Video Monetization Platforms: A Complete Guide

video monetization

In this article, we will explore the benefits and challenges of each type of video monetization platform, as well as some tips and best practices for video creators to succeed in this competitive and evolving market.

video monetization platforms


Video monetization is the process of generating revenue from online video content. Video monetization platforms are services that enable video creators to upload, host, distribute, and monetize their videos on the internet. There are different types of video monetization platforms, such as:

  • Advertising-based video on demand (AVOD): These platforms allow video creators to earn money from displaying ads on their videos. The ads can be pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll, and the revenue is usually based on the number of views or impressions. Examples of AVOD platforms are YouTube, Facebook Watch, and Dailymotion.
  • Subscription-based video on demand (SVOD): These platforms charge viewers a monthly or annual fee to access a library of videos. The video creators receive a share of the subscription revenue based on the popularity or engagement of their videos. Examples of SVOD platforms are Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video.
  • Transaction-based video on demand (TVOD): These platforms allow viewers to pay a one-time fee to rent or buy a video. The video creators receive a percentage of the transaction revenue. Examples of TVOD platforms are iTunes, Google Play, and Vimeo On Demand.

Benefits and Challenges of AVOD Platforms

AVOD platforms are the most popular and widely used type of video monetization platforms. They offer several benefits to video creators, such as:

  • Low barrier to entry: AVOD platforms are usually free and easy to join, and they do not require any upfront investment or minimum threshold to start earning revenue. Video creators can upload any type of content, as long as it complies with the platform’s policies and guidelines.
  • Large and diverse audience: AVOD platforms have millions or billions of users who consume a variety of video content across different genres, categories, and niches. Video creators can reach and attract a wide and global audience, and potentially increase their brand awareness and fan base.
  • Multiple revenue streams: AVOD platforms offer different ways to monetize video content, such as display ads, video ads, sponsored content, merchandise, donations, memberships, and more. Video creators can diversify their income sources and optimize their earnings.

However, AVOD platforms also pose some challenges and drawbacks to video creators, such as:

  • Low and variable revenue: AVOD platforms typically pay video creators based on the number of views or impressions their videos generate, which can vary depending on the season, the demand, the niche, the location, and other factors. The average revenue per thousand views (RPM) can range from a few cents to a few dollars, depending on the platform and the ad network. Video creators may need to generate a large and consistent amount of views to earn a substantial and stable income.
  • High competition and saturation: AVOD platforms are crowded and competitive, with millions of video creators uploading thousands of hours of video content every day. Video creators may face difficulties in standing out, getting discovered, and retaining viewers’ attention and loyalty. They may also need to invest more time, money, and resources in producing high-quality and engaging content, as well as in marketing and promoting their videos.
  • Limited control and ownership: AVOD platforms have the ultimate authority and discretion over the video content and the revenue distribution. They can change their policies, algorithms, features, and monetization options at any time, without prior notice or consultation. They can also remove, demonetize, or restrict the visibility of any video that violates their terms of service, community guidelines, or advertiser-friendly rules. Video creators may lose access to their videos, their audience, or their revenue, without any recourse or compensation.
video monetization platforms

Benefits and Challenges of SVOD Platforms

SVOD platforms are subscription-based video monetization platforms that offer exclusive and premium video content to their subscribers. They offer several benefits to video creators, such as:

  • Stable and predictable revenue: SVOD platforms usually pay video creators a fixed or variable share of the subscription revenue, based on the popularity or engagement of their videos. The revenue can be more stable and predictable than AVOD platforms, as it is not affected by the number of views or impressions. Video creators can also earn more revenue per viewer, as the subscribers are more likely to watch and engage with their videos.
  • High-quality and diverse content: SVOD platforms are known for their high-quality and exclusive video content, such as movies, TV shows, documentaries, and more. Video creators can benefit from the reputation and exposure of the platform, and potentially attract more viewers and fans. They can also experiment with different genres, formats, and styles, and showcase their creativity and innovation.
  • Long-term and loyal audience: SVOD platforms offer a more personalized and customized experience to their subscribers, such as recommendations, playlists, and notifications. Video creators can build a long-term and loyal audience, who are willing to pay for their content and support their career. They can also interact and engage with their audience, and receive feedback and suggestions.

However, SVOD platforms also pose some challenges and drawbacks to video creators, such as:

  • High entry barrier and competition: SVOD platforms are usually selective and exclusive, and they require video creators to meet certain criteria and standards, such as production value, originality, and relevance. Video creators may need to invest more time, money, and resources in producing high-quality and engaging content, as well as in marketing and promoting their videos. They may also face competition from other video creators and platforms, who offer similar or better content.
  • Limited and controlled revenue: SVOD platforms usually have strict and complex revenue-sharing models, which can vary depending on the platform, the region, the genre, and the popularity of the video content. Video creators may receive a lower share of the revenue than they expect, or they may not receive any revenue at all, if their videos do not meet the platform’s criteria or performance metrics. They may also have limited control over the pricing, packaging, and distribution of their videos, as the platform has the ultimate authority and discretion.
  • Less flexibility and creativity: SVOD platforms usually have more restrictions and guidelines on the type, format, and style of the video content, as they need to maintain their brand identity and reputation. Video creators may have less freedom and flexibility to experiment with new ideas, genres, or formats, or to express their opinions, values, or beliefs. They may also need to comply with the platform’s policies and regulations, such as copyright, privacy, and community standards.

Benefits and Challenges of TVOD Platforms

TVOD platforms are transaction-based video monetization platforms that allow viewers to pay a one-time fee to rent or buy a video. They offer several benefits to video creators, such as:

  • High revenue per viewer: TVOD platforms usually pay video creators a higher percentage of the transaction revenue than AVOD or SVOD platforms, as the viewers are more likely to pay for the video content they want to watch. Video creators can earn more revenue per viewer, and potentially reach a wider and more diverse audience, who are willing to pay for their content.
  • Flexible and customizable pricing: TVOD platforms allow video creators to set their own pricing and packaging options, such as rental period, price point, and discount codes. Video creators can experiment with different pricing strategies, and optimize their revenue and engagement. They can also offer bonus features, such as behind-the-scenes footage, director’s commentary, or deleted scenes, to incentivize viewers to rent or buy their videos.
  • More control and ownership: TVOD platforms usually give video creators more control and ownership over their video content, as they can retain the copyright, the distribution rights, and the creative control. Video creators can also access more data and analytics about their viewers, such as demographics, viewing habits, and feedback. They can use this data to improve their content, their marketing, and their monetization strategy.

However, TVOD platforms also pose some challenges and drawbacks to video creators, such as:

  • Low and unpredictable revenue: TVOD platforms usually have a lower and more unpredictable revenue than SVOD platforms, as the viewers are less likely to rent or buy a video than to watch it for free or for a subscription. Video creators may need to generate a large and consistent amount of sales to earn a substantial and stable income. They may also need to invest more time, money, and resources in marketing and promoting their videos, as well as in creating bonus features and incentives.

How to choose the best video monetization platform for your needs?

There are many video monetization platforms available in the market, each with its own features, advantages, and disadvantages. To choose the best video monetization platform for your needs, you need to consider the following factors:

  • Your goals and objectives: What are you trying to achieve with your video content? Who is your target audience? What kind of content do you produce? How do you want to monetize your content? These questions can help you define your goals and objectives, and narrow down your options accordingly.
  • Your budget and resources: How much are you willing to spend on your video monetization platform? What kind of resources do you have in terms of equipment, software, bandwidth, and staff? These questions can help you determine your budget and resources, and compare the costs and benefits of different platforms.
  • Your features and requirements: What kind of features and functionalities do you need from your video monetization platform? Do you need live streaming, video-on-demand, or both? Do you need multi-device support, adaptive bitrate, or 4K resolution? Do you need analytics, customization, or integration? These questions can help you identify your features and requirements, and evaluate the capabilities and limitations of different platforms.

What are some of the best video monetization platforms in 2023?

Based on my web search, here are some of the best video monetization platforms in 2023, along with their brief descriptions and links:

  • VPlayed: A multi-model OTT video monetization solution that offers end-to-end video streaming and monetization services. It supports live and on-demand video streaming, multiple monetization models, multi-device compatibility, and customization options. It also provides security, scalability, and analytics features 1.
  • GUDSHO: A premium video platform to stream, monetize, and sell video content. It allows you to create your own branded video channel, host live and on-demand video events, and monetize your content with pay-per-view, subscriptions, and donations. It also offers social and interactive features, such as chat, polls, quizzes, and more 1.
  • IBM Video Streaming: A scalable video streaming monetization platform that delivers high-quality and reliable video streaming services. It enables you to broadcast live and on-demand video content, monetize your content with advertising and subscriptions, and distribute your content to multiple platforms and devices. It also offers security, analytics, and AI features 1.
  • Brightcove: A globally reliable video monetization service that provides a complete video platform for content creation, distribution, and monetization. It supports live and on-demand video streaming, various monetization options, multi-platform and device delivery, and customization and integration options. It also offers security, performance, and analytics features 2.
  • Vimeo OTT: A long-time provider in online video monetization industry that offers a simple and powerful solution for video subscription and transactional services. It allows you to create your own video subscription or pay-per-view service, monetize your content with flexible pricing and payment options, and deliver your content to multiple platforms and devices. It also offers security, analytics, and support features 1.
video monetization platforms


video monetization platforms are a great way to make money from your videos online. However, not all platforms are created equal, and you need to consider your content, audience, and goals before choosing one. SVOD, TVOD, and AVOD are the three main types of video monetization platforms, each with its own pros and cons. By comparing and contrasting these platforms, you can find the best fit for your video business. We hope this article has helped you understand the differences and similarities between these platforms, and how to choose the best one for your needs.


How much can I earn from video monetization platforms and what factors affect my earnings?

The amount of money you can earn from video monetization platforms depends on various factors, such as the size and engagement of your audience, the quality and quantity of your content, the type and rate of monetization, and the platform’s policies and fees .

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using rented platforms vs. owned platforms for video monetization?

The advantages of using rented platforms (such as YouTube or Vimeo) are that they are easy to use, have a large and established audience, and provide technical and marketing support. The disadvantages are that they have strict rules and regulations, take a large cut of your revenue, and have control over your content and data .

How can I choose the best video monetization platform for my niche, audience, and goals?

To choose the best video monetization platform for your niche, audience, and goals, you need to consider several factors, such as the type and format of your content, the size and demographics of your audience, the monetization methods you prefer, the budget and resources you have, and the features and functionality you need .