OpenAI Reverse Proxy Key: A Complete Guide

chatgpt key

In this article, we will explain what is a reverse proxy key, how it works, how to get one, how to use it, and what are the benefits and risks of using it. We will also provide some examples and steps to help you set up and use a reverse proxy key for your own projects.

OpenAI reverse proxy key


OpenAI is a research organization that aims to create artificial intelligence that can benefit humanity without causing harm or being constrained by human values. One of the main products of OpenAI is the OpenAI API, which provides access to powerful natural language processing models such as GPT-3 and Codex.

However, the OpenAI API is not free and requires an invitation to use. Moreover, the OpenAI API has some limitations and restrictions on the type and amount of data that can be processed. For example, the OpenAI API does not allow generating content that is harmful, abusive, illegal, or offensive.

This is where the OpenAI reverse proxy key comes in handy. A reverse proxy key is a way of accessing the OpenAI API through a third-party service that acts as a middleman between the user and the OpenAI server. The reverse proxy service can bypass some of the limitations and restrictions of the OpenAI API, such as the content filter, the rate limit, and the cost.

What is a Reverse Proxy Key?

A reverse proxy key is a combination of a reverse proxy URL and a private API key that allows you to access the OpenAI API through a third-party service. A reverse proxy URL is the endpoint of the reverse proxy service that forwards your requests to the OpenAI server and returns the responses back to you. A private API key is a secret token that authenticates your identity and grants you permission to use the reverse proxy service.

A reverse proxy key looks something like this:

The first line is the reverse proxy URL and the second line is the private API key. You need both of these components to use a reverse proxy key.

How Does a Reverse Proxy Key Work?

A reverse proxy key works by sending your requests to the reverse proxy service instead of the OpenAI server. The reverse proxy service then modifies your requests according to its own rules and policies and forwards them to the OpenAI server. The OpenAI server processes your requests and sends the responses back to the reverse proxy service. The reverse proxy service then modifies the responses according to its own rules and policies and returns them back to you.

The following diagram illustrates the workflow of a reverse proxy key:

+-----------------+       +----------------------+       +--------------+
|                 |       |                      |       |              |
|     User        |       |  Reverse Proxy       |       |   OpenAI     |
|                 |       |  Service             |       |   Server     |
|                 |       |                      |       |              |
+-----------------+       +----------------------+       +--------------+
      |                        |                            |
      |  Send request          |                            |
      |----------------------->|                            |
      |                        |  Modify request            |
      |                        |--------------------------->|
      |                        |                            |  Process request
      |                        |                            |-----------------|
      |                        |                            |                 |
      |                        |                            |  Send response  |
      |                        |                            |<----------------|
      |                        |  Modify response           |
      |                        |<---------------------------|
      |  Receive response      |

As you can see, the reverse proxy service acts as a middleman between you and the OpenAI server. It can modify your requests and responses according to its own rules and policies, which can be different from the OpenAI API’s rules and policies.

How to Get a Reverse Proxy Key?

There are several reverse proxy services that offer reverse proxy keys for the OpenAI API. Some of them are free and some of them are paid. Of them are open and some of them are invite-only. Some of them are reliable and some of them are not. You need to do your own research and choose the reverse proxy service that suits your needs and preferences.

Here are some of the reverse proxy services that we know of:

  • Pawan Kumar: A free and open reverse proxy service that offers unlimited access to the OpenAI API without any content filter or rate limit. It also provides a web interface and a Discord bot for easy usage. However, it does not guarantee the security, privacy, or availability of the service. You can get a reverse proxy key by visiting the website and generating a private API key.
  • Janitor AI: A paid and invite-only reverse proxy service that offers access to the OpenAI API with a content filter and a rate limit. It also provides a web interface and a Discord bot for easy usage. It claims to provide high security, privacy, and availability of the service. You can get a reverse proxy key by joining the Discord server and requesting an invitation.
  • Open AI Master: A paid and open reverse proxy service that offers access to the OpenAI API with a content filter and a rate limit. It also provides a web interface and a Discord bot for easy usage. It claims to provide high security, privacy, and availability of the service. You can get a reverse proxy key by visiting the website and purchasing a subscription.

These are just some examples of reverse proxy services that we found online. There may be other reverse proxy services that we are not aware of. You should always do your own research and verify the credibility and legitimacy of the reverse proxy service before using it.

Reverse Proxy Key

How to Use a Reverse Proxy Key?

Once you have obtained a reverse proxy key from a reverse proxy service, you can use it to access the OpenAI API through the reverse proxy service. There are different ways of using a reverse proxy key depending on the type of application you are developing and the programming language you are using.

In general, you need to do the following steps to use a reverse proxy key:

  • Set up your application to send a POST request to the reverse proxy URL.
  • Include your private API key in the request headers or as specified by the reverse proxy service.
  • Include the parameters and data for the OpenAI API endpoint you want to use in the request body or as specified by the reverse proxy service.
  • Receive the response from the reverse proxy service and parse it as needed.

For example, if you want to use the reverse proxy key to generate text using the GPT-3 model, you can use the following Python code:

PythonAI-generated code. Review and use carefully. More info on FAQ.

import requests

# Replace with your reverse proxy URL and private API key
reverse_proxy_url = ""

# Set the headers for the request
headers = {
    "Authorization": f"Bearer {private_api_key}",
    "Content-Type": "application/json"

# Set the parameters and data for the request
params = {
    "engine": "davinci",
    "prompt": "Hello, world!",
    "max_tokens": 10,
    "temperature": 0.5

# Send the request to the reverse proxy URL
response = + "/engines/davinci/completions", headers=headers, json=params)

# Check the status code of the response
if response.status_code == 200:
    # Parse the response as JSON
    data = response.json()
    # Print the generated text
    # Print the error message

This code will send a request to the reverse proxy URL with the private API key and the parameters and data for the GPT-3 endpoint. It will then receive the response from the reverse proxy service and print the generated text.

You can modify this code according to your needs and preferences. Also use different programming languages and libraries to send and receive requests. You can refer to the OpenAI API documentation and the reverse proxy service documentation for more details and examples.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Using a Reverse Proxy Key?

Using a reverse proxy key can have some benefits and risks that you should be aware of before using it. Here are some of the pros and cons of using a reverse proxy key:


  • You can access the OpenAI API without an invitation or a subscription.
  • You can bypass some of the limitations and restrictions of the OpenAI API, such as the content filter, the rate limit, and the cost.
  • You can use the reverse proxy service’s web interface or Discord bot for easy and convenient usage.
  • You can experiment and explore the OpenAI API’s capabilities and features without any hassle or worry.


  • You are trusting the reverse proxy service with your private API key and your data. The reverse proxy service can access, store, modify, or share your data without your consent or knowledge.
  • You are violating the OpenAI API’s terms of service and privacy policy. The OpenAI API does not allow using a reverse proxy service or sharing your private API key with anyone. You may face legal consequences or lose access to the OpenAI API if you are caught.
  • You are exposing yourself to potential security, privacy, or ethical issues. The reverse proxy service may have vulnerabilities, bugs, or malicious actors that can compromise your data or your application. The reverse proxy service may also generate content that is harmful, abusive, illegal, or offensive.

How to Write an E.E.A.T Compatible Blog on Open AI Reverse Proxy Key?

If you want to write an E.E.A.T compatible blog on Open AI reverse proxy key, you need to follow some guidelines and best practices that can help Google understand and rank your article better. E.E.A.T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and these are the criteria that Google uses to evaluate the quality and relevance of a web page.

Here are some tips on how to write an E.E.A.T compatible blog on Open AI reverse proxy key:


  • Demonstrate your expertise on the topic of Open AI reverse proxy key by providing accurate, relevant, and up-to-date information. You can use facts, statistics, examples, and case studies to support your claims and arguments.
  • Use technical terms and jargon only when necessary and explain them in simple and clear language. You can use analogies, metaphors, or visual aids to help your readers understand complex concepts and ideas.
  • Provide original and unique insights and perspectives on the topic of Open AI reverse proxy key. You can share your own experiences, opinions, or predictions that can add value and interest to your readers.

Now that you have demonstrated your expertise on Open AI reverse proxy key, you need to establish your authoritativeness on the topic as well. Authoritativeness is the second criterion that Google uses to evaluate the quality and relevance of your web page.


  • Establish your authoritativeness on the topic of Open AI reverse proxy key by providing your credentials, qualifications, or affiliations that can prove your expertise and credibility. You can use your bio, your resume, or your portfolio to showcase your achievements and skills.
  • Use reliable and trustworthy sources of information to support your claims and arguments. You can use academic papers, research reports, or official documentation to back up your statements and avoid plagiarism or misinformation.
  • Provide links to other relevant and authoritative sources of information that can help your readers learn more about the topic of Open AI reverse proxy key. You can use hyperlinks, footnotes, or bibliographies to acknowledge and credit your sources.


  • Establish your trustworthiness on the topic of Open AI reverse proxy key by providing your contact information, your privacy policy, or your terms of service that can assure your readers of your integrity and responsibility. You can use your email, your social media, or your website to communicate with your readers and address their concerns or feedback.
  • Use ethical and moral principles to guide your writing and behavior. You can respect your readers’ rights, opinions, and diversity by avoiding discrimination, bias, or hate speech. You can also disclose any conflicts of interest, affiliations, or sponsorships that can affect your objectivity and transparency.


  • Use headings and subheadings to organize your content and make it easy to read and scan. You can use H2, H3, or H4 tags to create a hierarchy of information and highlight the main points and sections of your article.
  • Use short paragraphs and sentences to improve the readability and flow of your text. You can use transition words, phrases, or sentences to connect your ideas and create a coherent and cohesive narrative.
  • Use images, videos, or infographics to illustrate your points and make your content more engaging and memorable. You can use screenshots, diagrams, or charts to visualize your data and statistics and avoid monotony or boredom.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can write an E.E.A.T compatible blog on Open AI reverse proxy key that can attract, inform, and engage your readers and rank well on Google.


To sum up, a reverse proxy key is a tool that allows you to access a web server through another server, hiding your identity and enhancing your security. It can be useful for various purposes, such as bypassing geo-restrictions, improving performance, or testing your website. However, it also comes with some drawbacks, such as potential legal issues, reliability problems, or increased latency. Therefore, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons of using a reverse proxy key before implementing it for your own projects. We hope this article has given you a clear understanding of what is a reverse proxy key and how to use it effectively.